
2009年11月17-19日, 中国锻压协会主办的第五届中国国际金属成形展会及会议和第十一届中国国际锻造展览会及会议将在北京中国国际展览中心召开。我公司将在第十一届中国国际锻造展览会上参展,展馆为3号馆,展位号为3417,欢迎新老客户莅临我司展位参观洽谈。
展出时间:2009.11.17-18     8:30-17:00
          2009.11.19        8:30-12:00
CMF 和CFF展览会及会议是中国锻造、冲压与钣金行业最具影响力的国际性盛会,内容涵盖了金属成形与整个产业链和工艺流程,展示最先进和最适用的产品和技术,是开拓市场、树立形象、维护关系的绝佳平台。
On China Forge Fair 2009
Metal Form China 2009 and China Forge Fair 2009 organized by Confederation of Chinese Metalforming Industry will be hold on Nov.17-19, 2009 at China International Exhibition Center(CIEC), Beijing. We will present as exhibiter in the China Forge Fair and the booth no.is 3417 in 3rd Hall. Warmly welcome to come and negotiate business.
Show time:  2009.11.17-18     8:30-17:00
             2009.11.19       8:30-12:00
Show address: 6 East Beisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
CMF & CFF& is the best specialized show on stamping, fabricating and forging in China, whose exhibits cover the whole industrial brief introduction chain and process of metalforming, aiming to display the latest and most appropriate and technology. It is the best platform to gain new leads, enhance industry image and maintain customer loyalty in China.
The exhibit profile covers sheet metal, tube, sections, wire (ferrous and non-ferrous), finished products, components, assemblies;Forgings;Forging;Machine elements;Industrial furnace;heat treatment;Controlling/regulating/measuring/testing;Research and development and so on. Concurrent events includes the 6th Members’ Representative Assembly and MetalForm China 2009 Conference.

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